Off grid preppers need a solar water heater because it is a cheap option to get hot water. In this article we discuss their benefits and disadvantages and explore the best options for off grid solar water heaters.
Off grid preppers need a solar water heater because it is a cheap option to get hot water. In this article we discuss their benefits and disadvantages and explore the best options for off grid solar water heaters.
Because fossil fuels have a limited shelf life, knowing how and where to store them for the long term is extremely important. This article considers the storage of common petroleum fuels from a prepper perspective.
Off-grid solar is generally legal in the United States. All solar installations, however, must be consistent with any state, city, or town regulations. Learn more about off grid solar legality in the article below!
Storing fuel is a crucial prepping detail. Since none of us knows when a SHTF situation will happen, there is no discussion around whether you should store fuel. What could be up for debate is how to store fuel long term.
Going off the grid means opting for an autonomous life away from the city. It entails living without relying on municipal utilities, community utilities and without public sewerage and garbage disposal services.