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Home Survival Kit [Bugging In Essentials]

Here are our recommendations for the best home defense tools and all the survival gear that should be part of your home survival kit.

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You may already prepared your everyday carry survival gear, Bug Out Bag and Get Home Bag prepper essentials – now it is time to talk about what important gear you will need for your home survival kit

In this article, we will talk about:

  • General emergency preparedness gear and supplies that every home should have. Essentially, it is a bug-in checklist as opposed to a bug-out.
  • The prepper gear you may need depending on where you live, in order to fortify your home. Urban prepping is a bit different than rural or even suburban prepping, but rest assured there are still ways to survive in an apartment when SHTF 
  • We will also cover some more specific gear that you should have for natural disaster survival, and other niche scenarios which may occur.

Without further ado, here are our recommendations for the best home defense tools for the home.

In a hurry? If you just want to get to our conclusions, here are our top picks and recommendations!

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Home Survival Gear for Every Household

Document Storage

One of the most important things that you need to have organized in your home kit are all of your important documents. 

It is a good idea to choose a document storage option that can easily be grabbed in a hurry and stashed into your bug out bag.

Remember, that real emergency preparedness considers all potential disasters. That’s why it’s a good idea to have a storage option that is also fireproof and waterproof.

This combination set will give you a place to store all your important paperwork, identity documents, emergency cash, and other valuables. 

It can be easily transported or stored in a safe place in your home.

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Emergency Radio

The worst part about the electricity going out is becoming disconnected from the news and relevant information.

In emergency situations, it is important to be aware of the latest developments.

That’s why every home survival kit should be equipped with an emergency radio.

We like this portable sized emergency radio because it has three potential ways to recharge it: an included solar panel, a hand crank, or three AAA batteries.

You get AM/FM radio, NOAA weather alerts, and even a port to charge your other devices. Additionally, this radio has an SOS function.

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Solar Panel and Charger

When you consider all of the ways to prepare your home for an emergency, many people immediately think of investing in a power generator and stockpiling gasoline. 

This is certainly a reasonable investment, and we absolutely encourage it (see the next item on the list). 

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When SHTF though, you might be surprised at how quickly you run through your gasoline, or how difficult it is to restock.

Your generator could also malfunction, and if you are not a mechanic, you might find yourself with a useless piece of machinery. 

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That is why we recommend that every home invest first in a basic emergency solar generator set up. 

This setup will keep all of your essential survival gear charged without relying on gasoline. 

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If you want a bit more power to be able to use small appliances, TV’s, or personal medical devices, consider investing in a more serious setup.

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Gasoline Generator

Depending on your needs and priorities, when prepping for the home you may want to invest in a portable gas-powered generator to see you through short term emergency situations. 

There are a few obvious advantages of gas generators:

  1. They can potentially power your entire house, including large appliances like refrigerators.
  2. They can last for many years of regular use with proper care and maintenance.
  3. Instant power. There is no downtime while you recharge. Just add gasoline and restart the motor.
  4. They are not dependent on the weather.

This model gives you the most bang for your buck with an extended run time that practically doubles anything offered by the competition. It is very fuel efficient.

This generator can power your refrigerator, water pump, and even your air conditioner.

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For even more recommendations for off grid power generators, check out our comprehensive guide on the types of power generators for off grid homes.

Comprehensive First Aid Kit

Whether you are prepping for the zombie apocalypse, the next major pandemic, or other natural disasters, you will want to put together a complete first aid kit for emergencies.

To get started, use the same supply list that we provided in the Bug Out Bag gear essentials. Consider purchasing 200 count bottles of the different kinds of pills and family sized tubes of the different creams and ointments.

Add to those basic first aid supplies, the following:

We suggest that you purchase a waterproof storage container for your home survival kit and fill it with all your supplies.


Remember, this list is not all-inclusive!

Build your home first aid kit according to the real threats that you may face, depending on where you live and what your health conditions are.

Don’t forget to periodically check your supplies for expired items, replacing them as necessary.

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Fire Extinguisher

Every home should be equipped with a fire extinguisher for emergency preparedness.

Make sure you stay up to date with its inspection and maintenance.

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Food Stockpile

Most beginner preppers immediately think about stockpiling food and water to prepare their home and family for emergency situations.

Because what you eat and what you choose to stockpile will differ according to personal preferences, in this gear guide we will omit any particular food recommendations.

We do offer some great suggestions and food stockpiling tips in our guides: how to stockpile food for emergencies and the best survival food.

Water and Water Purification Devices

Water is another essential that you must stock up on. Buy a few large plastic bottled water containers and keep these in a cool, shaded place in your home.

Remember that even sealed standing water can have a shelf-life, so check this before you drink from it and see if you should purify it further before consumption.

It is also a great idea to have several methods of water purification stored at home. Choose a range of filters, pumps, straws, tablets and chemicals so that you can be sure you will always have a way to purify your water.

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Read our comprehensive guide to purifying water for the many ways in which you can have clean, safe drinking water at home or on-the-go: How to Purify Water.

Other Survival Essentials for Every Home

With the big essential survival gear covered, now it’s time to think about those little things that make a big difference between suffering through your experience or surviving in relative ease and comfort. 

Survival Gear for The Urban Home

Preparing for emergencies and making sure that we have the essential survival items for our home when living in an urban environment has its unique challenges.

As an urban dweller, your emergency preparation should consider the possibility of having your water shut off for long periods of time, forcing you to seek out water from potentially contaminated natural sources.

You will also face an increased risk of intruders and attackers in urban survival. Due to the nature of cities, there is also a greater risk of fire. Air contamination can also be a problem, from both natural and man-made sources.

You could also be forced into a survival situation where you will have to scavenge for food or other supplies. A gas mask can be vital in an urban survival scenario.

We recommend outfitting your home survival kit with the following survival tools and gear. These items are in addition to the gear that every home should have:

For a detailed description of how to survive a disaster in an urban home, read our comprehensive walk-through here: Urban Survival Skills [SHTF Guide for the Urban Prepper].

Urban survival gas mask
A gas mask can be vital in an urban survival scenario.

Survival Gear for the Suburban Home

Suburban prepping is a bit different to urban prepping. The main difference is that you have a little more space between you and your neighbor.

You may have a small yard, or maybe even a big one.  You may be miles from a grocery store or gas station, or have one just around the corner.

Depending on how close to the city you live, “suburban” environments can vary from urban-like to nearly rural. 

After stocking up on the prepping essentials for every home, it’s time to carefully consider the realities of your situation. You might find it a good idea to acquire the gear essentials for urban homes as well, especially if you live close to the city.

When you live in the suburbs you have the long term advantage of being able to produce your own food. 

You can not only survive, but thrive.

As a suburban prepper, even if you have only a small plot of land to work, you can easily produce fresh food and raise small animals.

You might want to consider purchasing the following items in addition, which double as survival gear for the suburban home:

Suburban Survival Top Tip: Try not to make it obvious to your neighbors that you are prepared! If SHTF and they know that you have the food and gear to survive, then you may be their first target when things get desperate. Read more about blending in at home in our guide: How to be a Gray Man

Stockpile foods with jars of pickled vegetables and fruits
A cellar with pickled vegetables and fruits can be a great way to start your food stockpile.

Survival Items for the Rural Home

When you live in a rural area, you are often among those best prepared to handle emergency situations. 

If SHTF and you find yourself cut off from society in general, you have the land and access to natural resources that will likely make your survival a lot easier. 

Chances are that you also have the survival skills and physical capabilities required for the work. 

Everything that we have included in our complete list of survival items, including those for urban and suburban homes, is appropriate for rural prepping as well. 

But prepping for rural homes has special considerations. Gas stations may be far away or you may find your access to them cut off. Farm supply or parts stores may not get restocked.

You may find yourself having to improvise. It’s a good idea to keep the following supplies on hand, just in case you need to count on hunting and farm production to supply your family with food:

Natural Disaster [and other niche scenarios] Survival Kits

Here is a list of some more niche items that you might want to consider, in the case of a natural disaster, pandemic or other more specific scenario hitting your home:

  • Sand bags & concrete blocks. For creating barricades in case of flooding.
  • Emergency flares. For signaling to emergency services if you are stranded as the result of a flood, tsunami, wildfire or other disaster.
  • Emergency blankets. These foil blankets are incredible at keeping heat close to your body. They may be life-saving in the case of a flash flood, tsunami or otherwise where you find yourself suddenly exposed to the elements.
  • Spare batteries. In the case of a natural disaster, it is highly likely you will lose power at some point. Always keep spare batteries in the house in a range of sizes for your radios and other devices.
  • Spare tools, parts and materials. If you are hit by a natural disaster, you may encounter some damage to your house’s infrastructure. Stocking up on tools and parts like copper piping, electrical wires, hand-held tools and so on is a great idea, because you may have to perform some house DIY to get things back in order.
  • Propane stove and spare propane. Again, it is very likely you will lose gas and electricity to your home in a natural disaster. Propane stoves are the best replacement for cooking and boiling water.
  • Face masks, hand sanitizer and toilet roll. As we have all learned from the Coronavirus pandemic – these items are especially important to stock up on!
  • Smoke Canisters. In the unfortunate event that you find your home raided by a riot of angry looters, then smoke canisters are a good way to create a diversion and keep you hidden while you grab your Bug Out Bag, and get yourself (and family) out to safety.
  • Flour and a Dutch Oven. Flour is a great ingredient for making many simple but tasty treats. A Dutch Oven fits on top of your propane stove and can be used to cook bread and other things, in case your gas/electricity supply is affected.

Home Survival Kit FAQs

What should be in a home survival kit?

A home survival kit should contain everything you might need to bug-in at home. It should cover food, water, medical supplies, power and more.

You do not need to worry about making things super lightweight or portable, as these supplies are made to stay at home. Your Bug Out Bag will be a more specialized piece of gear featuring these essential items made backpack-friendly.

What should I stock up on for SHTF?

The main priorities are food, water, medical supplies and a means of generating heat safely. It may not be the most comfortable existence; but with these items you should at least be able to stay alive indoors for a good length of time.

It is also a good idea to make sure you have somr “fun” items in your stock, like cards or craft supplies, to keep you from going crazy indoors!

Should I spend a lot of money on a Home Survival Kit?

One of the most important pieces of advice for preppers is to NOT bankrupt yourself! If you work on a monthly budget, try and carve out a portion of your income each month for prepping supplies.

Even as little as $50 a month will give you a good start and pay off in the long-run.

Final Thoughts on a Home Survival Kit

As you can imagine, surviving at home is a very person-specific scenario and there is no “best home survival kit” for everyone. To maximize your chances of survival, follow these simple rules:

  • Do several bug-in drills at home. Cancel your plans for the weekend or even longer, and try to live off the items you have collected, without relying on anything from the outside world. This will quickly illuminate any holes in your preparation and allow you to make adjustments for a real-world scenario.
  • Don’t let others know that you are prepared! This one is especially important. If SHTF and your neighbors know that you are sitting on piles of food, gas and supplies – you can guarantee that they will come knocking… and they might not be too friendly about it.
  • Check your stock regularly. There would be nothing worse than if SHTF and you rush to your supplies… only to find things out of date, damp, broken or damaged. Make sure that you keep an inventory of food and water expiry dates, keep things well sealed and out of sunlight. Make a stock check every few months and check that everything is as you’d expect it to be.

This wraps up our guide on the best survival gear for your home survival kit.

Make sure you check out our other gear recommendations by navigating with the side menu. 

Otherwise, you can jump straight to our next survival gear guide: Best Gear for your Car Emergency Kit.

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Hi, I'm Russ!

I've been prepping for a long time, but 2020 convinced me that I need to take it to the next level.

This website started as a way to keep me going forward on the path to being better prepared.

Now, I’m turning it into a complete blueprint for anyone else looking to do the same!
Russell M. Morgan
Telson Survival

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