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The 5 Best Survival Matches For Survival Preparedness

You never know when you’re going to need a good set of fast-acting waterproof survival matches even if you have other fire starters in your bug out bag!

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Although rare, people do find themselves in situations where they are completely on their own without food or water and they need to start a fire the hard way so increase their odds of survival.

Should this ever happen to you, a good set of survival matches could literally mean the difference between life and death, so learning which ones are the best matches is important in these situations.

In fact, even if it isn’t a life-or-death situation, these survival matches can make your life a whole lot easier so they are certainly convenient to have around.

Although you’re likely to never find yourself in this dire of a situation, you should keep in mind that in most circumstances, a human can only last three hours without shelter, three days without water, and three weeks without food.

As tough as we like to think we are, the truth is that our bodies need to be protected when we’re out in the elements, which means that every time you camp, hike, or you're forced to bug out in a survival scenario, it’s good to have a set of matches that are specifically designed to start a fire the easy way.

And if you think that these scenarios will never happen to you, think again. Unless you never venture outside or enjoy outdoor activities, the chances that something could go wrong are always there.

Having these strike-anywhere survival matches on hand can be a true miracle worker. Even if things are going well, your life in the wilderness or out on the hiking trail will be much less complicated for you at the very least.

In a hurry? If you just want to get to our conclusions, here are our top picks and recommendations!

Last update on 2024-09-24 / Affiliate Links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Reasons to Own a Good Set of Survival Matches

As already mentioned, if you spend any time in the great outdoors, a good set of survival matches that specializes in easy fire building is a crucial item to own.

And why should you always make sure that you have some of these matches whenever you're prepping for survival or emergency situations?

Here are a few good reasons to buy survival matches:

  • You are not an expert at building a fire. Simply put, these types of matches will always make your fire-building experience much simpler and much faster.
  • They can be used for other purposes, such as providing light for a walk in the dark and burning off insects and pests.
  • You can strike them against almost any surface, even a stone or the buttons on your pants, so if it is a true emergency, you won’t need a lot of supplies to do what you need with the matches.
  • You cannot always rely on survival lighters or ferro rods to work right. Nothing is 100% fail-proof so if you have an entire box of the right type of matches, you’ll still be prepared if something goes wrong.
  • They are a huge help in inclement weather. Because the matches are waterproof, you can start a fire or use them for other purposes even if rain is pouring down.

In short, you never really know when you’re going to need a good set of fast-acting waterproof matches. Even if you find yourself never experiencing any of these emergencies, you can still appreciate how easy they are to use and how much time they can save you in the end.

Which Survival Matches Should You Choose?

There are numerous matches on the market that you can use if you’re looking for high-quality matches made for survival prepping, bugging out or wilderness survival.

Some of the highest-rated and most reliable matches on the market include:

UCO Stormproof Match Kit with Waterproof Case

UCO matches are rated highly and there are several reasons why. The kit comes complete with 25 matches, three strikers, and a durable case that you can take with you everywhere you go.

The case is made out of very sturdy materials and the survival matches themselves are windproof and waterproof, not to mention long enough to protect your fingers while lighting the fire.

The UCO Match Kit case can even float so if you accidentally drop it in water, it isn’t ruined!

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Diamond Greenlight Strike Anywhere Matches

If you are looking for great outdoor matches but you’re on a budget, these are the ones you want. For a relatively small price you can get three boxes of 300 matches for a total of 900 matches.

And when the package says “strike anywhere,” they mean it because these can be used on cast iron products, the edge of a survival knife, metal zippers, and more.

In fact, as long as you strike the Diamond Greenlight Strike Anywhere Matches against a sturdy surface, it is very likely that they will work for you.

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Zippo Typhoon Matches

With a heavy-duty container and matches that you can rely on whatever the circumstances, the Zippo Typhoon survival matches offer the ability to give you a great flame regardless of the elements.

The Zippo Typhoon Matches are easy to use, and their four-inch-long design means that you never have to worry about burning your fingertips.

They are also windproof, resistant to water, and will burn for up to 30 seconds at a time, making them very convenient indeed.

Last update on 2024-09-24 / Affiliate Links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

UCO Strike Anywhere Matches

With roughly 32 matches in each box, these matches are super compact and therefore easy to take with you everywhere you go. They come in a set of 10 boxes total and have carbonized tips for the ultimate safe matchstick.

The UCO Strike Anywhere Matches are perfect not just for campfires and outdoor stoves but also for any survival scenario that forces you out in the wilderness.

In fact, you’ll be surprised how easy they are to deal with every time you use them, not to mention how efficient they are.

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Coghlan’s Storm Matches

Complete with their own carrying case, these storm matches will burn for roughly 10 seconds for convenience and have an extra-long impregnated head that is windproof and allows the matches to work under nearly any circumstance.

With Coghlan’s Storm Matches you get a total of 20 matches for a low price, and they are great to have around whether you need to start a fire in the woods when bugging out or to warm up your grill while entertaining guests.

They are reliable, inexpensive, and extremely efficient.

Last update on 2024-09-24 / Affiliate Links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

What to Look for in a Set of Survival Matches

If you’ve never bought survival matches before, don’t worry because there are easy ways to make sure that you get the best ones in the end.

Following these suggestions can be a big help:

  • Never choose paper matches, “penny” matches (usually sold in a box), or standard kitchen matches if what you need is a product that can start a fire regardless of the weather conditions.
  • Look specifically for matches that say they are “stormproof,” “waterproof,” the “strike anywhere” type, and, of course, “survival” matches.
  • Try to get matches that are longer than standard matches so that lighting the fire or survival stove can be done without burning your finger.
  • Find matches with a long burn time because if it’s raining, for example, you may need some extra time to get the fire to start.

These outdoor-use matches are easy to find because many of them are sold in hardware stores and even in some grocery stores.

Just make sure that you read the label to be certain that the features you consider important apply to those particular matches.

And it also doesn’t hurt to have some of these survival matches on hand not just in your bug out bag, but also in your get home bag! You never know if getting home to your bug out location can take more than 24 hours.

FAQs About Survival Matches

Q: Why Should I Keep These Matches Around If I Don’t Hike or Camp?

A: Because you may need them for home use as well, such as when you’re lighting a rocket stove and it starts to rain or even when you lose electricity in your home while bugging in.

Q: Do “Strike Anywhere” Matches Really Start Regardless of Where You Strike Them?

A: Not necessarily, although the best waterproof matches will usually strike nearly everywhere. Usually, it has to be a rough, sturdy surface in order to work.

Q: Where Should I Keep Waterproof Matches?

A: In addition to a survival bag, these matches should be included in your bug-out bag, in the emergency bag you keep in your car, and in any other type of backpack that is specifically made for potential emergencies.

Q: What If I Don’t Have a Rough Surface to Strike the Match Against?

A: Many preppers and hikers purchase strike paper for this exact purpose, and the paper is both very effective and inexpensive. It never hurts to have some strike paper in your emergency or camping kit.

Best Survival Matches Conclusions

The best stormproof matches are usually easy to find and easy to afford. Because there are many different scenarios where this product comes in handy, it’s always good to keep some of them in your home, in your car or your emergency backpack.

Whether they’re called stormproof matches, waterproof matches, or just plain survival matches, these are sturdy, well-made matches that are perfect for starting fires when you’re enjoying the great outdoors and something goes wrong.

Since they find lots of uses in your home as well, survival matches are simply a great idea all around so it’s always best to keep them around all the time.

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Hi, I'm Russ!

I've been prepping for a long time, but 2020 convinced me that I need to take it to the next level.

This website started as a way to keep me going forward on the path to being better prepared.

Now, I’m turning it into a complete blueprint for anyone else looking to do the same!
Russell M. Morgan
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